ENTHUSIASM OF THE SPANIARDS. 153 fuw scarcely audible and feeblo acclamations were heard, but wore HO forced that the Archduke, sensibly astonished, made thorn of himself. He did not dare to lodge in the palace, or in the centre of Madrid, but slept at the extremity of the city, and even there only for two or three nights. Scarcely any damage wa« inflicted upon the town. Staromberg was careful to gain over the inhabitants; by conciliation and clem- ency ; yet MB army perished of all kinds of misery. Not a singlo person could bo found to supply it with subsistence for ximn or Leant—not even when offered money. Prayers, mon- neeH, oxocutions, all wore perfectly xisoloss. There was not a CiiHtilian who would not have boliovod himself dishonoured in Helling tho least thing to the enemies, or in allowing thorn to take it It IN thus that thin magnanimous people, without any otlwr help than their courage and their fidelity, sustained thcmwlveH in the midst of their enemies, whoso army they niuwd to perish, while at tho same time, by inconceivable prodigies, they formed a new army for themselves, perfectly equipped and furnished, and put tluis, by themselves, alone, ami for tho second time, the crown upon tho head of their King, with a glory for over an example to all the people of Europe ; «o true it is that nothing approaches tho strength which is found in the heart of a nation for tho succour arid re- establishment of Kings!* Stanhope, who had not failed to BOO tho excellence of 8tareiiibt»rg*H advice from tho first moment of their dispute, now Haiti insolently, that having executed tho orders of his C^iustw, it wan for Staromberg to draw the army out of its om- ttarmasmmit. AH for himself, lie had nothing more to do in tho matter! When ten or twelve days had elapsed, it was resolved to remove from Madrid towards Toledo, Krom tho former plaro nothing wan taken away, except some of tho King's tap- t'stry, which Stanhope WIIH not ashamed to carry off, Imt which In* did not Imitf keep. Thin act of meaimoHB was blamed even * Thin IH a winter observation, perhnpx, than Haint-Simon thought. liuiimn tut turn « too apt to attribute iU degradation tc> oxturnal violence, nn«i ti» f*»rjyf««t (hat Um Htn»wgt«t allien of thouo that emlave it arc fouud within iU own Iir<«wt.