158 2VIEM01TIS OF THK DUKK OF SAINT-SIMON. Crown of Spain, and perhaps tho peraon of Philip V., as price of MH folly. Brighuoga is gained, but it in without him. Villa™ vicioaa is gained, but it is also without him. This hero is not sharp-sighted enough to HOO success when it comes. Ho thinkn it defeat, and gives orders for retreat. When informed that tho battle is gained, ho returns to the field, and as daylight comes, perceives the fact to be so. Ho is quite without shame for his stupid mistake, and cries out that be has vanquished, with an impudence to which tho Spaniards were not accustomed ; and, to conclude, he allows Staromborg's army to got clean off, in- stead of destroying it at onco, as ho might have done, and BO finished tho war. Such were tho exploits of this great "warrior, so desired in Spain to resuscitate it, and such were the first proofs of his capacity upon arriving in that country 1* At the moment that the King of Spain was led back to tho battlo-field by Vcndoino, and that they could no longer doubt their good fortune, ho sent a courier to tho Queon. Her mortal anguish was on tins instant changed into so great a joy, that she went out immediately on foot into the streets of Vittoria, where all was delight; as it soon was over all Spain. Tho news of the victory was brought to tho King (of Franco) by Don (Jaspard do Zuniga, who gave an exact account of all that had occurred, hiding nothing respecting M. do Wmlome, who was thus unmasked and disgraced, in spites of every effort, on the part of his cabal to defend him. Among the allies, all tho blame of this defeat fell upon Stan- hope. Seven or eight hours more of resistance on IUH part at Brighuoga would have enabled Staremborg to oomo tip to IUH assistance, and all the resources of Spain would then have boon * Dcwpito VtwdftnurHabomuwbhM'hamctM', it cannot but In* evident that Saint-Simon horo givcH way to IUH hatrod, and carps unjustifiably. If wo were to (loprivo a Amoral of tho bonolit of tho chnmu'H of war, and duly Hoparuto from mimmnding cinuuuHtancos what in duo to IUH own unaided gcmuw, how many modern hwotw would dwindlo to no In^tttn' than Htw.ro- orowB ! AH to tho ofHsc.!. of Voud^mc^H conduct at (Vnirt and on tho inind of tho King, it in povfoc.tly iudiUVrotit. DofcatH formerly made him a hen»; victories wow prove* him a fool. Thin in porhapH tho incwt Htriking iiiHtaiuse in the whole of Saint-Smicm'H MomoirH of tho abHoluto nullity of thin CJrcat Louis XIV. ' "