PICTURE OF A COURT. 187 factory, Every countenance recals the cares, the intrigues, the labours employed in the advancement of fortunes—in the over- throw of rivals: the relations, the coldness, the hatreds, the evil offices done, the baseness of all; hope, despair, rage, satis- faction, express themselves in the features. See how all eyes .Jkuider to and fro examining what passes around—how some aro astonished to find others more mean, or less mean than was expected! Thus this spectacle produced a pleasure, which, hollow as it may be, is one of the greatest a Court can bestow. The turmoil in this vast apartment lasted about an. hour, at tho end of which M. de Beauvilliers thought it was high time to deliver the Princes of their company. The rooms were cleared. M. lo Due do Berry went away to his rooms, partly supported by his wife. All through the night he asked, amid tears and cries, for news from Meudon; he would not under- stand tho cause of tho King's departure to Marly. "When at length tho mournful curtain was drawn from before his eyes* tho state- he fell into cannot be described. The night of Mon- scigneur and Madame do Bourgogne was more tranquil. Some ono having said to the Princesse, that having no real cause to bo affected, it would be terrible to play a part, she replied, quite naturally, that without feigning, pity touched her and decorum controlled hor; and. indeed she kept herself within these bounds with truth and decency. Their chamber, in which they invited Hovoral Radios to pass the night in arm-chairs, became immedi- ately a palace of Morpheus. All quietly fell asleep. The cur- tains woro left open, so that the Prince and Princesse could be Hcon sleeping profoundly. They woke up once or twice for a moment. In. the morning the Due and Duchesse rose early, their tears quito dried up. They shed no more for this cause, except on special and rare occasions. The ladies who had witched and nlopt in their chamber, told their friends how tranquil tho night had been. But nobody was surprised, and UH there was no longer a Monseigneur, nobody was scandalised. Madaiuo de Saint-Simon and I remained up two hours before going to bod, and then went there without feeling any want of rest. In fact, I slept so little that at seven in the morning I