268 OF THE DUKE OF SAINT-SIMON. who, having no other support, would her arms by gratitude and necessity. "With she herself to Alberoni, who, since the of the Due de Vend6me, had remained at Madrid charged the of Parma; and proposed to him the marriage of the of Parma, daughter of the Duchess and of the of who had married the widow of his brother. with difficulty believe his ears. An alliance so to him so much the more incredible, he the Court of France would never consent to it, its the marriage could not be con- in the issue of double ille- ; by her from a pope, by her mother a of Charles Quint. She was daughter of & of of a mother, entirely Austrian of the and of the Dowager Queen of disapproval that she was her at Toledo to Bayonne), sister too of the of induced the King, her husband, to receive the Archduke at Lisbon, and to carry the war into It did not reasonable, therefore, that such a be accepted as a wife for the King of Spain. Nothing of all this, liovever^ stopped the Princess des Ursins; the pressing consideration with her • the of the of was entirely subject to her; she felt all the her of our King and of Madame de ; she no for a return of their favour; she she around for support against the her so powerfully, and her; and herself solely in pushing a she expected everything by the use of the as she had made of the of devout, he absolutely & the des Ursins of an age when her the of &rt; in a word, she set Alberoni