300 OF DUKE OF SHOT-SIMON. tie air me, aU that lie was. I said that I to a compliment, that we (the Dukes) no over the princes of the blood; but what we should be nobody between the of the us ; that as this intermediary rank no we nothing more to say, but to rejoice that we had no to what -was insupportable. The joy of IL da forth at my compliments, and he me a inspired by the transport of triumph. if he at the declaration of the King, it far Foreign dukes and princes but uttered dull murmurs more Paris wad the provinces broke out; the did not silent. de Main- her the adoration of her As for me, I but few reflections upon frightful determination of tie King. I simply say, it is impossible not to see in it an the Crown; contempt for the entire rights are trodden under foot by it; insult to all the of the blood ; in fact tiie crime of high treason in its extent. Yes I however venerable in the eyes of men the majesty of Kings are his anointed; however be the known as high, treason, of attempt- ing singular may "be the to prevent that crime, and to re- by the from the infernal of it,'—we help finding in the in a in other, however abomi- nable It be. Yea! to most holy laws, that of monarchy; to ex- a tie —the important—the in the : to to the throne, ; in a word, to