CONVALESCENCE OF THE KING. 279 church in Paris. He spoke of nothing else, and above the real joy he felt at the King's recovery, he put on a false one which had a party smell about it, and which avowed designs not to be mistaken. The King went in state to Notre Dame and Saint G6nevieve to thank God. These mummeries, thus prolonged, extended to the end of August and the f&te Saint-Louis. Every year there is on that day a concert in the garden. The Marshal de Villeroy took care that on this occasion, the concert should be- come a species of f6te, to which he added a display of fireworks. Less than this would have been enough to draw the crowd. It was so great that a pin could not have fallen to the ground through the mass of people wedged against each other in the garden. The windows of the Tuileries were ornamented, and were filled with people. All the roofs of the Carrousel, as well as the Place, were covered with spectators. The Marechal de Villeroy was in his element, and impor- tuned the King, who tried to hide himself in the corners at every moment. The Marshal took him by the arm, and led him, now to the windows where he could see the Carrousel, and the houses covered with people; now to those which looked upon the garden, full of the innumerable crowd waiting for the f£fce. Everybody cried Vive le Roi when he appeared, but had not the Marshal detained him, he would have run away and hid himself. " Look, my master/1 the Marshal would say, " all that crowd, all those people are yours, all belong to you ; you are the master [of them: look at them a little, therefore, to please them, for they are all yours, they are all devoted to you." A nice lesson this for a governor to give to a young King, repeating it every time he leads him to the windows, so fearful is he lest the boy-sovereign shall forget it! I do not know whether he received similar lessons from those who had the charge of his education. At last the Marechal led him upon the terrace, where, beneath a dais, he heard the end of the concert, and afterwards saw the fireworks. The lesson of the Marechal de Villeroy, so often and so publicly repeated,