38 BRAZIL unceasingly active. As soon as we left S. started an exter* minating campaign, and killed sixty straight away in his own cabin and the saloon. For weeks afterwards, Mr* Gillam could be seen daily going on his rounds with a bottle of quinine tabloids, the lambs obediently swallowing the same. His medicinal doses were under all circumstances magnificently heroic, some of his remedies being kept in quart bottles, on the principle, as he explained, that it was " no use spoiling the ship for a halfpenny- worth of tar/' It was doubtful in this case if the enemy were really of the malaxia-^arrying type; they did not appear to stand on their heads in the correct manner—anyway, we all escaped contagion with one slight exception, though I myself had had a bad attack shortly before leaving England, brought on by influenza, after six years* complete immunity, We had now before us a voyage of some 3,000 miles down the eastern coast of South America before the Magellan Straits were reached. It was marvellously impressive sailing day after day along the coast-line of a great continent, although at the moment the said coast was sandy and flat, the only diversity being occasional lights at night from some town on the shore. Bahia de Todos os Santos, more generally known simply as Bahia, was our next destination* Some fine Portuguese houses are said to survive from the days when it was the old capital, and it may be remembered as the locality where Robinson „ Crusoe was engaged in planting tobacco, when he was induced to go on the slave-raiding voyage which led to his best-known adventure. The bay, which runs north and south, extends ior twenty-five miles, and the situation of the town on its east sy^is ais&fjxctly fine; part of it has been built on the shore, and ••gWw-^-Ihe top of rising ground immediately above it. The funiotiter railway which connects the one with the other is to be seen from the sea, ' This unfortunately is all that circumstances allow us to record. The anchor was dropped at midday, Wednesday, June 25th, and orders given for luncheon to be served at once, so that we might go on shore as loon as we had got our pratique. 2l^^°^Ceri wllw' ^e came on board> w^ found to sPcak- *-'•**•' juese, which made communication difficult; .the case with the pilot at Pernambuco; and ^s visiting those ports are %gUsh it might per^