64 OBATEBOPODID-aB. are moderately broad ovals, somewhat pointed towards one end, larger than the average eggs of T. lineatum, and about the same size as large specimens of the eggs of Crateropus canorus and Argya malcolmi. The ground-colour is of a delicate pale blue, and towards the large end, and sometimes over the whole surface, they are speckled, spotted, and blotched, but only sparingly, with brownish red and blackish brown, and amongst these markings a few cloudy streaks and spots of dull faint reddish purple are observable. The eggs have not much gloss. Numerous other specimens subsequently received from Miss Oockburn and others correspond well with the above description. More or less pyriform varieties are common. In some eggs the markings are almost entirely wanting, there being only a very faint brownish-pink freckling at the large end; and in many eggs, even some that are profusely spotted all over, the markings con- sist only of darker or lighter brownish-pink shades. Occasionally a few, almost black, twisted lines are intermingled with the other markings, and in these cases the lines are frequently surrounded by a reddish-purple nimbus. The eggs vary in length from 0'92 to 1-08, and in breadth from 0*74 to 0*8, but the average of twenty eggs measured was 1*0 by 0*76. 96. Troclialopteriim faifbanki, JBlanf. The Palni Laugldmj- Thrush. Trochalopterum fairbanki, Blanf., Hume, Cat. 110. 423 bis. The Hev. S. B. Ifairbank, the discoverer of this species, found its nest at Kodai Kanal, in the Palni Hills, in May. The nest was placed in the crotch of a tree, at about 10 feet from the ground, and at an elevation of nearly 6500 feet above the level of the sea. The eggs are moderately elongated ovals, with a fine, fairly glossy shell. The ground is pale greenish blue or bluish green; the markings are spots, small blotches, hair-lines, and hiero- glyphic-like scrawls, rather thinly scattered about the surface, and varying in colour through several shades of brownish and reddish purple to bright claret-colour. The only egg I have measures 1 inch in length by 0*8 inch in breadth. 99. Trochalopterum lineatum (Vig.). The Himalayan Streaked Laughing-Thrush. Trochalopteron lineatum (Tig.), Jerd. JB. Ind. ii, p. 50; Hume, Rough Draft N. £ E. no. 425*. Next to the Common House-Sparrow, the Himalayan Streaked Laughing-Thrush is perhaps the most familiar bird about our * I omit the note on T. i-mbricatiim in the {Bough Draft/ because, as I haTe shown in the 'Birds of India/thishird was unknown to Hodgson, and his note refers to T. lineatum. Sufficient is now known about the nidification of this latter to render the insertion of Hodgson's note unnecessary.—ED.