liANTUS. 307 quently only repairs one that has served it in the previous season, and even at times takes possession of those of other species. The nest is composed of very various materials, so much so that it is difficult to generalize in regard to them. I have found them built entirely of grass-roots, with much sheep's wool, lined with hair and feathers, or solidly woven of silky vegetable fibre, mostly that of the putsun (Hibiscus cannalimis), in which were incorporated little pieces of rag and strips of the bark of the wild plum (Zizy- jphusjujuba); but I think that most commonly thorny twigs, coarse grass, and grass-roots form the body of the nest, while the cavity is lined with feathers, hair, soft grass, and the like. Generally the nests are very compact and solid, 6 or 7 inches in diameter, and the egg-cavity 3 to 4 in diameter, and 2 to 2£ in depth, but I have come across very loosely built and straggling ones. They have at times two broods in the year (but I do not think that this is always the case), and lay from three to six eggs, four or five being the usual number. Mr. F. E. Blewitt, writing from Jhansie and Saugor, and de- tailing his experiences there and in the Delhi Districts, says : — " The Common Indian Grey Shrike breeds from February to July; it builds on trees ; if it has a preference, it is for the close-growing rooirj tree (Acacia leucopliloect). I have particularly noticed this fact both here and at G-urhi Hursroo. The nest in structure is neat and compact (though I have occasionally seen some very roughly put together), and generally well fixed into -the forks of an off- shooting branch. In shape it is circular, varying from 5 to 7i inches in diameter, and from lg to 3.1 inches in thickness; thorn twigs, coarse grass, grass-roots, old rags, &c. form the outer materials of the nest, and closely interwoven fine grass and roots the border-rim. The egg-cavity is deeply cup-shaped, from 3| to 5 inches in diameter, and lined with fine grass and khus; excep- tionally shreds of cloth are interwoven with the khus and grass. " On one occasion I got a nest with the cup interior entirely lined with old cloth pieces, very cleverly and ingeniously worked into the exterior framework. Five is the regular number of eggs, though at times six have been obtained in one nest. The birds often make their own nests each year, but this is not invariably the case. "When at G-urhi Hursroo in February last, I found on an isolated roonj tree four nests within a foot of each other. The under centre one, an old Shrike nest (the other three were of other birds), was occupied by a Shrike sitting on five eggs. I very care- fully examined it, and my impression at the time was that the parent birds had returned, to rear a second progeny, to the nest constructed by them the year previous. " I do not know whether you have noticed the fact, but both L. laJitora and L. erythroiiotus often lay in old nests, of which they first carefully repair the egg-cavity with new materials. It is iiDt only, however, in old nests of their own species that these birds make a home in the breeding-season. At times they take pos- 20*