320 Mr. F. E. Blewitt records the following note :— " Breeds from March to August, on low trees, and, as would 'appear, without preference for any one kind. " The nest in shape much resembles that of Lanius lalitom ; hut judging from the half-dozen or so I have seen, L. erytlironotus cer- tainly displays more skill and ingenuity in preparing its nest, which in structure is more neat and compact than that of L. la/itora. In shape it is circular, ordinarily varying from 5| to 7 inches iu diameter, and from 2 to 2 j inches in thickness. Hemp, old rags, aud thorny twigs are freely used in the formation of the outer portion of the nest, but the Shrike shows a decided predilection for the former. In one nest I observed the cast skin of a snake worked in with the outer materials ; in two others some kind of vegetable fibre was used to bind and secure the thorn twigs, and one had the margin made of fine neem-tree twigs and leaves. The egg- cavity is deeply cup-shaped, from 3 to 4 inches in diameter, and lined usually with fine grass. Pive appears to be the regular num- ber of eggs ; but on this score 1 cannot be very certain, seeing that my experience is confined to some half-dozen or so of nests. " I have recently reared three young birds, and it is very amusing to witness their many antics, shrewdness, and intelligence. They are very tame, flying in and out of the bungalow at pleasure; when irritated, which is rather a failing with them, they show every sign of resentment. If one is inclined to be rebellious, not coming to call, the show of a piece of meat at once secures its sub- mission and capture. Singular how partial they are to raw meat, and more singular to see the expert way in which they catch up the ineat with the claws of either leg, and hold it from them while they devour it piecemeal. I saw the other evening an old bird pounce on a field-mouse, kill it, aud then bring and cleverly fix the victim firmly between the two forks of a branch and pull it in pieces. It consumed but a part- of the mouse." Mr. ~W. Theobald makes the following note on this bird's breed- ing in the neighbourhood of Pind Dadan Khan and Xatas in the Salt Eange :—uLay in May ; eggs five to six; shape blunt, ovato- pyriforrn ; size varies from OSS to O93 of an inch in length, and from 0*68 to 0*81 of an inch in breadth. Colour white or pale greenish white, slightly ringed and spotted with yellowish grey and neutral tint. Nest of roots, coarse grass, rags, cotton,