UfflATED TOUTH behind their aggressiveness is still the universal trouble, that surplus of young men.? Seen in this broader vision, the present war falls into its true proportions as a stupid conflict upon secondary issues, which is delaying and preventing an overdue world adjustment. That it may kill hundreds of thousands of people does not alter that. An idiot with a revolver can murder a Mnily. He remains an idiot. From 1914 to 1939 has been a quarter of a century of folly, meanness, evasion and resent- ment, and only a very tedious and copious historian would attempt to distribute the blame among those who had played a part in the story. And when he had done it, what he had done would not matter in the least. An almost over- whelmingly difficult problem has confronted us all, and in some measure we have all of us lost our heads in the face of it, lost our dignity, been too clever by half, pinned ourselves to cheap solu- tions, quarrelled stupidly among ourselves. " We have erred and strayed. . . . We have left undone those things that we ought to have done and we have done those things which we ought not to have done and there is no health in us,M I do not see any way to a solution of the pro- blem of World Peace unless we begin with a confession of universal wrong-thinking and E 65