i6 Lord, What is Man ? and in the other we die, but it is not possible to get much further. iv We commonly know that we are going to die though we do not know that we are going to be born. But are we sure this is so ? We may have had the most gloomy forebodings on this head and forgotten all about them. At any rate we know no more about the very end of our lives than about the very beginning. We come up unconsciously, and go down unconsciously ; and we rarely ° ither birth or death. We see people, as consciousness; -n the two extremes. Reproduction Its base must be looked for not in the desire of the parents to reproduce but in the discontent of the germs with their surroundings inside those parents, and a desire on their part to have a separate maintenance.* [1880.] Thinking almost Identically The ova, spermatozoa and embryos not only of all human races but of all things that live, whether animal or vegetable, think little, but that little almost identically on every sub- ject. That " almost " is the little rift within the lute which by and by will give such different character to the music. * " The doctrine preached by Weismann was that to start with the body and inquire how its characters got into the germ was to view the sequence Irom the wrong end ; the proper starting point ivas the germ, and the real question was not ' How do the characters of the organism get into the germ-cell which it produces ? * but ' How are the characters of an organism represented in the germ which produces it ? ' Or, as Samuel Butler has it, the proper statement of the relation between successive generations is not to say that a hen produces another hen through the medium of an egg, but to say that a hen is merely an egg's way of producing another egg." Breeding and the Mendelian Discovery t by A, D. Darbishire. Cassell & Co., 1911, p. 187-8. " It has, I believe, been often remarked that a hen is only an egg's way of making another egg." Life and Habit, Trubner & Co., 1878, chapter viii, p. 134. And compare the idea underlying " The World of the Unborn " in Erewhon.