II Elementary Morality The Foundations of Morality i These are like all other foundations ; if you dig too much about them the superstructure will come tumbling down. ii The foundations which we would dig about and find are within us, like the Kingdom of Heaven, rather than without. iii To attempt to get at the foundations is to try to recover consciousness about things that have passed into the un- conscious stage; it is pretty sure to disturb and derange those who try it on too much. Counsels of Imperfection It is all very well for mischievous writers to maintain that we cannot serve God and Mammon. Granted that i1 is not easy, but nothing that is worth doing ever is easy. Easy or difficult, possible or impossible, not only has the thing got to be done, but it is exactly in doing it that the whole duty of man consists. And when the righteous man turneth away from his righteousness that he hath committed and doeth that which is neither quite lawful nor quite right, he will generally be found to have gained in amiability what he has lost in holiness. If there are two worlds at all (and that there are I have 24