40 The Germs of Brew/ion of the jubilee number, a further search was made, but the Dialogue was not found and I gave it up for lost. In March, 1912, Mr. R. A. Streaffeild pointed out to me that Mr. Tregaskis, in Holborn, was advertising for sale an auto- graph letter by Charles Darwin sending to an unknown editor a Dialogue on Species from a New Zealand newspaper, described in the letter as being " remarkable from its spirit and from giving so clear and accurate a view of Mr. D.'s theory." Having no doubt that this referred to Butler's lost contribution tc the Press, I bought the autograph letter and sent it to New Zealand, where it now is in the Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. With it I sent a letter to the editor of the Press, giving all farther information in my possession about the Dialogue. This letter, which appeared I June, 1912, together with the presentation of Darwin's autograph, stimulated further search, and in the issue for zoth December, 1862, the Dialogue was found by Miss Colborne-Veel, whose father was editor of the paper at the time Butler was writing for it. The Press reprinted the Dialogue Sth June, 1912. When the Dialogue first appeared it excited a great dcd of discussion in the colony and, to quote Butler's words in a idler to Darwin (1865), " called forth a contemptuous rejoinder jrom (I believe] the Bishop of Wellington." This rejoinder was. an article headed ll Barrel-Organs," the idea being that there was nothing new in Darwin's book, it was only a grinding out of old tunes with which we were all familiar.' Butler alludes to this controversy in a note made on a letter from Darwin which he gave to the British Museum, " I remember answering an attack (in the Press, New Zealand) on me by Bishop Abraham, of Wellington, as though I were someone else, and, fo keep up the deception, attaching myself also. But it was all very young and silly." The bishop's article and Butler*s reply, which was a letter signed A. M. and some of the resisting correspondence were reprinted in the Press, 15^/2. June, 1912. At first I thought of including here the Dialogue, and perhaps the letter signed A. M. They are interesting as showing that Butler was among the earliest to study closely the Origin of Species, and also as showing the state of his mind before he began to think for himself, before he wrote Darwin among the Machines from which so much followed; b^tt they can hardly be properly considered as germs o/Erewhon and Life and Habit.