Memory and Design 63 Mistaken memory may be as potent as genuine recollection, so far as its effects go, unless it happens to come more into collision with other and not mistaken memories than it is able to contend against. Mistakes or delusions occur mainly in two ways. First, when the circumstances have changed a little but not enough to make us recognise the fact: this may happen either because of want of attention on our part or because of the hidden nature of the alteration, or because of its slightness in itself, the importance depending upon its relations to something else which make a very small change have an importance it would not otherwise have : in these cases the memory reverts to the old circumstances unmodified, a sufficient number of the associated ideas having been repro- duced to make us assume the remainder without further inspection, and hence follows a want of harmony between action and circumstances which results in trouble somewhere. Secondly, through the memory not reverting in full per- fection, though the circumstances are reproduced fully and accurately. Remembering When asked to remember " something " indefinitely you cannot: you look round at once for something to suggest what you shall try and remember. For thought must be always about some " thing " which thing must either be a thing by courtes}*, as an air oi Handel's, or else a solid, tangible object, as a piano or an organ, but always the thing must be linked on to matter by a longer or shorter chain as the case may be. I was thinking of this once while walking by the side of the Serpentine and, looking round, saw some ducks alighting on the water ; their feet reminded me of the way the sea-birds used to alight when I was going to New Zealand and I set to work recalling attendant tacts. Without help from outside I should have remembered nothing. A Torn Finger-Nail Henry Hoare [a college friend], when a young man of about five-and-twenty, one day tore the quick of his finger- nail—I mean he separated the fleshy part of the finger from