88 Mind and Matter whereon the cracks have opened some minute fraction of an inch wider. Of this we see nothing. All we note is that a score of years have gone by and that the cracks are rather wider. So, doubtless, if the materials of which the bank is built could speak, they would say they knew nothing of the varied interests that sometimes coalesce and sometimes conflict within the building. The joys of the rich depositor, the anguish of the bankrupt are nothing to them ; the stream of people coming in and going out is as steady, continuous a thing to them as a blowing wind or a running river to our- selves ; all they know or care about is that they have a trifle more weight of books and clerks and bullion than they once had, and that this hinders them somewhat in their effort after a permanent settlement. The Unity of Nature I meet a melancholy old Savoyard playing on a hurdy- gurdy, grisly, dejected, dirty, with a look upon him as though the iron had long since entered into his soul. It is a frosty morning but he has very little clothing, and there is a dumb despairing look about him which is surely genuine. There passes- him a young butcher boy with his tray of meat upon his shoulder. He is ruddy, lusty, full of life and health and .spirits, and he vents these in a shrill whistle which eclipses tlae hurdy-gurdy of the Savoyard. The like holds good with the horses and cats and dogs which I meet daily, with the flies in window panes and with plants, some are successful, other have now passed their prime. Look at the failures per se and they make one very unhappy, but it helps matters to look at them in their capacities as parts of a whole rather than as isolated. I cannot see things round about me without feeling that they are all parts of one whole which is trying to do some- thing ; it has not perhaps a perfectly clear idea of what it is trying after, but it is doing its best. I see old age, decay and failure as the relaxation, after effort, of a muscle in the cor- poration of things, or as a tentative effort in a wrong direction, or as the dropping off of particles of skin from a healthy limb. This dropping off is the death of any given generation of our