Handel and Music 123 is ipso facto a good inventor. Two men can invent after a fashion to one who knows how to make the best use of what has been done already. Musical Criticism I went to the Bach Choir concert and heard Mozart's Requiem. I did not rise warmly to it. Then I heard an extract from Parsifal which I disliked very much. If Bach wriggles, Wagner writhes. Yet next morning in the Times I saw this able, heartless failure, compact of gnosis as much as any one pleases but without one spark of either true pathos or true humour, called " the crowning achievement of dramatic music." The writer continues: "To the unin- telligent, music of this order does not appeal" ; which only means " I am intelligent and you had better think as I tell you." I am glad that such people should call Handel a thieving plagiarist. On Borrowing in Music In books it is easy to make mention of the forgotten dead to whom we are indebted, and to acknowledge an obligation at the same time and place that we incur it. The more original a writer is, the more pleasure will he take in calling attention to the forgotten work of those who have gone before him. The conventions of painting and music, on the other hand, while they admit of borrowing no less freely than literature does, do not admit of acknowledgement; it is impossible to interrupt a piece of music, or paint some words upon a picture to explain that the composer or painter was at such and such a point indebted to such and such a source for his inspiration, but it is not less impossible to avoid occasionally borrowing, or rather taking, for there is no need of euphemism, from earlier work. Where, then, is the line to be drawn between lawful and unlawful adoption of what has been done by others ? This question is such a nice one that there are almost as many opinions upon it as there are painters and musicians. To leave painting on one side, if a musician wants some forgotten passage in an earlier writer, is he, knowing where