X The Position of a Homo Unius Libri Triibner and Myself WHEN I went back to Triibner, after Bogue had failed, I had a talk with him and his partner. I could see they had lost all faith in my literary prospects. Triibner told me I was a homo ^lniu$ libri, meaning Erewhon. He said I was in a very solitary position. I replied that I knew I was, but it suited me. I said : " I pay my way; wheii I was with you before, I never owed you money; you find me now not owing my publisher money, but my publisher in debt to me ; I never owe so much as a tailor's bill; beyond secured debts, I do not owe £5 in the world and never have" (which is quite true). " I get my summer's holiday in Italy every year ; I live very quietly and cheaply, but it suits my health and tastes, and I have no acquaintances but those I value. My friends stick by me. If I was to get in with these literary and scientific people I should hate them and they me. I should fritter away my time and my freedom without getting a quid pro quo: as it is, I am free and I give the swells every now and then such a facer as they get-from no one else. Of course I don't expect to get on in a commercial sense at present, I do not go the right way to work for this; but I am going the right way to secure a lasting reputation and this is what I do care for. A man cannot have both, he must make up his mind which he means going in for. I have gone in for posthumous fame and I see no step in my literary career which I do not think calculated to promote my being held in esteem when the heat of passion has subsided." Triibner shrugged his shoulders. He plainly does not