156 The Position believe that I shall succeed in getting a hearing; he thinks the combination of the religious and cultured world too strong for me to stand against. If he means that the reviewers will burke me as far as they can, no doubt he is right; but when I am dead there will be other reviewers and I have already done enough to secure that they shall from time to time look me up. They won't bore me then but they will be just like the present ones. [1882.] Capping a Success When I had written Erewhon people wanted me at once to set to work and write another book like it. How could I ? I cannot think how I escaped plunging into writing some laboured stupid book. I am very glad I did escape. Nothing is so cruel as to try and force a man beyond his natural pace. If he has got more stuff in him it will come out in its own time and its own way : if he has not—let the poor wretch alone; to have done one decent book should be enough ; the very worst way to get another out of him is to press him. The more promise a young writer has given, the more his friends should urge him not to over-tax himself. A Lady Critic A lady, whom I meet frequently in the British Museum reading-room and elsewhere, said to me the other day: " Why don't you write another Erewhon P " (t Why, my dear lady," I replied, " Life and Habit was another Erewhon." They say these things to me continually to plague me and make out that I could do one good book but never any more. She is the sort of person who if she had known Shakespeare would have said to him, when he wrote Henry ike IVth : " Ah, Mr. Shakespeare, why don't you write us another Titus Andronicus ? Now that was a sweet play, that was." And when he had done Antony and Cleopatra she would have told him that her favourite plays were the three parts of King Henry VI.