166 The Position should be " entune the sky " and it sounds as though he were right. Myself and " Unconscious Humour " The phrase " unconscious humour " is the one contribu- tion I have made to the current literature of the day. I am continually seeing unconscious humour (without quotation marks) alluded to in Times articles and other like places, but I never remember to have come across it as a synonym for dullness till I wrote Life and Habit. My Humour The thing to say about me just now is that my humour is forced. This began to reach me in connection with my article " Quis Desiderio . . . ? " [Universal Review, 1888] and is now, [1889] I understand, pretty generally perceived even by those who had not found it out for themselves. I am not aware of forcing myself to say anything which has not amused me, which is not apposite and which I do not believe will amuse a neutral reader, but I may very well do so without knowing it. As for my humour, I am like my father and grandfather, both of whom liked a good thing heartily enough if it was told them, but I do not often say a good thing myself. Very likely my humour, what little there is of it, is forced enough. I do not care so long as it amuses me and, such as it is, I shall vent it in my own way and at my own time. Myself and My Publishers I see my publishers are bringing out a new magazine with all the usual contributors. Of course they don't ask me to write and this shows that they do not think my name would help their magazine. This, I imagine, means that Andrew Lang has told them that my humour is forced. I should not myself say that Andrew Lang's humour would lose by a little forcing. I have seen enough of my publishers to know that they have no ideas of their own about literature save what they