174 Cash and Credit been done for money, so it seems hardly less fatal that it should be done with a view to those uses that tend towards money. And yet, was not the Iliad written mainly with a view to money ? Did not Shakespeare make money by his plays, Handel by his music, and the noblest painters by their art ? True ; but in all these cases, I take it, love of fame and that most potent and, at the same time, unpractical form of it, the lust after fame beyond the grave, was the mainspring of the action, the money being but a concomitant accident. Money is like the wind that bloweth whithersoever it listeth, sometimes it chooses to attach itself to high feats of litera- ture and art and music, but more commonly it prefers lower company. . . . I can continue this note no further, for there is no end to it. Briefly, the world resolves itself into two great classes— those who hold that honour after death is better worth having than any honour a man can get and know anything about, and those who doubt this ; to my mind, those who hold it, and hold it firmly, are the only people worth thinking about. They will also hold that, important as the physical world obviously is, the spiritual world, of which we know little beyond its bare existence, is more important still. Genius Genius is akin both to madness and inspiration and, as eveiy one is both more or less inspired and more or less mad, every one has more or less genius. When, therefore, we speak of genius we do not mean an absolute thing which some men have and others have not, but a small scale- turning overweight of a something which we all have but which we cannot either define or apprehend—the quantum which we all have being allowed to go without saying. This small excess weight has been defined as a supreme capacity for taking trouble, but he who thus defined it can hardly claim genius in respect of his own definition—his capacity for taking trouble does not seem to have been abnormal. It might be more fitly described as a supreme capacity for getting its possessors into trouble of all kinds