188 The Enfant Terrible of Literature a good many people say that the work is mediocre, but, un- less in matters about which he has been long conversant, no man can easily form an independent judgment as to whether or not a work is mediocre. I know that in the matter of books, painting and music I constantly find myself unable to form a settled opinion till I have heard what many men of varied tastes have to saj7, and have also made myself ac- quainted with details about a man's antecedents and ways of life which are generally held to be irrelevant. Often, of course, this is unnecessary; a. man's character, if he has left much work behind him, or if he is not coming before us for the first time, is generally easily discovered without extraneous aid. We want no one to give us any clues to the nature of such men as Giovanni Bellini, or De Hooghe. Hogarth's character is written upon his work so plainly that he who runs may read it, so is Handel's upon his, so is PurcelFs, so is Corelli's, so, indeed, are the characters of most men ; but often where only little work has been left, or where a work is by a new hand, it is exceedingly difficult s< sentir la mediocrite " and, it might be added, " ou memo sentir du tout." How many years, I wonder, was it before I learned to dis- like Thackeray and Tennyson as cordially as I now do ? For how many years did I not almost worship them ? Bunyan and Others I have been reading The Pilgrim's Progress again—the third part and all—and wish that some one would tell one what to think about it. The English is racy, vigorous and often very beautiful; but the language of any book is nothing except in so far as it reveals the writer. The words in which a man clothes his thoughts are like all other clothes—the cut raises presump- tions about his thoughts, and these generally turn out to be just, but the words are no more the thoughts than a man's coat is himself. I am not sure, however, that in Bunyan's case the dress in which he has clothed his ideas does not reveal him more justly than the ideas do. The Pilgrim's Progress consists mainly of a series of in- famous libels upon life and things ; it is a blasphemy agairst