XIII Unprofessional Sermons Righteousness ACCORDING to Mr. Matthew Arnold, as we find the highest traditions of grace, beauty and the heroic virtues among the Greeks and Romans, so we derive our highest ideal of righ- teousness from Jewish sources. Righteousness was to the Jew what strength and beauty were to the Greek or fortitude to the Roman. This sounds well, but can we think that the Jews taken as a nation were really more righteous than the Greeks and Romans ? Could they indeed be so if they were less strong, graceful and enduring ? In some respects they may have been—every nation has its strong points—but surely there has been a nearly unanimous verdict for many generations that the typical Greek or Roman' is a higher, nobler person than the typical Jew—and this referring not to the modern Jew, who may perhaps be held to have been injured by centuries of oppression, but to the Hebrew of the time of the old prophets and of the most prosperous eras in the history of the nation. If three men could be set before us as the most perfect Greek, Roman and Jew re- spectively, and if we could choose which we would have our only son most resemble, is it not likely we should find ourselves preferring the Greek or Roman to the Jew ? And does not this involve that we hold the two former to be the more righteous in a broad sense of the word ? I dare not say that we owe no benefits to the Jewish nation, I do not feel sure whether we do or do not, but I can see no good thing that I can point to as a notoriously Hebrew con- 200