Unprofessional Sermons 205 and we often do not depart from evil simply becal^s^we do not know that what we are cleaving to is evil. Loving and Hating I have often said that there is no true love short of eating and consequent assimilation ; the embryonic processes are but a long course of eating and assimilation—the sperm and germ cells, or the two elements that go to form the new animal, whatever they should be called, eat one another up, and then the mother assimilates them, more or less, through mutual inter-feeding and inter-breeding between her and them. But the curious point is that the more profound our love is the less we are conscious of it as love. True, a nurse tells her child that she would like to eat it, but this is only an expression that shows an instinctive recognition of the fact that eating is a mode of, or rather the acme of, love—no nurse loves her child half well enough to want really to eat it; put to such proof as this the love of which she is so profoundly, as she imagines, sentient proves to be but skin deep. So with our horses and dogs: we think we dote upon them, but we do not really love them. What, on the other hand, can awaken less consciousness of warm affection than an oyster ? Who would press an oyster to his heart, or pat it and want to kiss it ? Yet nothing short of its complete absorption into our own being can in the least satisfy us. No merely superficial temporary con- tact of exterior form to exterior form will serve us. The embrace must be consummate, not achieved by a mocking environment of draped and muffled arms that leaves no lasting trace on organisation or consciousness, but by an en- folding within the bare and warm bosom of an open mouth— a grinding out of all differences of opinion by the sweet persuasion of the jaws, and the eloquence of a tongue that now convinces all the more powerfully because it is inarticu- late and deals but with the one universal language of aggluti- nation. Then we become made one with what we love— not heart to heart, but protoplasm to protoplasm, and this is far more to the purpose. The proof of love, then, like that of any other pleasant pudding, is in the eating, and tested by this proof w* see