222 Higgledy-Piggledy Oxford and Cambridge The dons are too busy educating the young men to be able to teach them anything. Cooking There is a higher average of good cooking at Oxford and Cambridge than elsewhere. The cooking is better than the curriculum. But there is no Chair of Cookery, it is taught by apprenticeship in the kitchens. Perseus and St. George These dragon-slayers did not take lessons in dragon- slaying, nor do leaders of forlorn hopes generally rehearse their parts beforehand. Small things' may be rehearsed, but the greatest are always do-or-die, neck-or-nothing matters. Specialism and Generalism Woe to the specialist who is not a pretty fair generalist, and woe to the generalist who is not also a bit of a specialist. Silence and Tact Silence is not always tact and it is tact that is golden, not silence. Truth-tellers Professional truth-tellers may be trusted to profess that they are telling the truth. Street Preachers These are the costermongers and barrow men of the re- ligious world.