224 Higgledy-Piggledy Gold-Mines Gold is not found in quartz alone ; its richest lodes are in the eyes and ears of the public, but these are harder to work and to prospect than any quartz vein. Things and Purses Everything is like a purse—there may be money in it, and we can generally say by the feel of it whether there is or is not. Sometimes, however, we must turn it inside out before we can be quite sure whether there is anything in it or no. When I have turned a proposition inside out, put it to stand on its head, and shaken it, I have often been surprised to find how much came out of it. Solomon in all his Glory But, in the first place, the lilies do toil and spin after their own fashion, and, in the next, it was not desirable that Solomon should be dressed like a lily of the valley. David's Teachers David said he had more understanding than his teachers, If his teachers were anything like mine this need not imply much understanding on David's part. And if his teachers did not know more than the Psalms—it is absurd. It is merely swagger, like the German Emperor. [1897,] S. Michael He contended with the devil about the body of Moses. Now, I do not believe that any reasonable person would contend about the body of Moses with the devil or with any one else. One Form of Failure From a worldly point of view there is no mistake so great as that of being always right.