Written Sketches 249 New-Laid Eggs When I take my Sunday walks in the country, I try to buy a few really new-laid eggs warm from the nest. At' this time of the year (January) they are very hard to come by, and I have long since invented a sick wife who has implored me to get her a few eggs laid not earlier than the self-same morning. Of late, as I am getting older, it has become my daughter who has just had a little baby. This will generally draw a new-laid egg, if there is one about the place at all. At Harrow Weald it has always been my wife who for years has been a great sufferer and finds a really new-laid egg the one thing she can digest in the way of solid food. So I turned her on as movingly as I could not long since, and was at last sold some eggs that were no better than common shop eggs, if so good. Next time I went I said my poor wife had been made seriously ill by them ; it was no good trying to deceive her; she could tell a new-laid egg from a bad one as well as any woman in London, and she had such a high temper that it was very unpleasant for me when she found herself dis- appointed. ''Ah! sir," said the landlady, " but you would not like to lose her." " Ma'am," I replied, " I must not allow my thoughts to wander in that direction. But it's no use bringing her stale eggs, anyhow." "The Egg that Hen Belonged to" I got some new-laid eggs a few Sundays ago. The landlady said they were her own, and talked about them a good deal. She pointed to one of them and said : " Now, would you believe it ? The egg that hen belonged to laid 53 hens running and never stopped." She called the egg a hen and the hen an egg. One would have thought she had been reading Life and Habit [p. 134 and passim]. At Englefield Green As an example of how anything can be made out of any- thing or done with anything by those who want to do it (as I