to Alps and Sanctuaries 261 Then the pilgrims went into the shadow of a great rock behind the sanctuary, spread themselves out over the grass and dined. The Albergo Grotta Crimea The entrance to this hotel at Chiavenna is through a covered court-yard ; steps lead up to the roof of the court-yard, which is a terrace where one dines in fine weather. A great tree grows in the court-yard below, its trunk pierces the floor of the terrace, and its branches shade the open-air dining-room. The walls of the house are painted in fresco, with a check pattern like the late Lord Brougham's trousers, and there are also pictures. One represents Mendelssohn. He is not called Mendelssohn, but I knew him by his legs. He is in the costume of a dandy of some five-and-forty years ago, is smoking a cigar and appears to be making an offer of marriage to his cook.* Down below is a fresco of a man sitting on a barrel with a glass in his hand. A more absolutely worldly minded, uncultured individual it would be impossible to conceive. When I saw these frescoes I knew I should get along all right and not be over-charged. Public Opinion The public buys its opinions as it buys its meat, or takes in its milk, on the principle that it is cheaper to do this than to keep a cow. So it is, but the milk is more likely to be watered. These Notes I make them under the impression that I may use them in my books, but I never do unless I happen to remember them at the right time. When I wrote " Ramblings in Cheapside " [in the Universal Review, reprinted in Essays on Life, Art and Science] the preceding note about Public Opinion would have come in admirably; it was in my pocket, in my little black note-book, but I forgot all about it till I came to post my pocket-book into my note-book. * " Ramblings in Cheapside " in Essays on Life, Art and Science.