270 Material for a Projected Sequel I suppose she got a bit she did not like ; instead of leaving it, she swiftly, stealthily, picked it up from her plate when she thought no one was looking and, with an expression which Mrs. Siddons might have studied for a performance of Clytem- nestra, popped it back into the tureen. (3) There was an alarm of fire on an emigrant ship in mid-ocean when I was going to New Zealand and the women rushed aft with faces as in a Massacre of the Innocents. The Wrath to Come On the Monte Generoso a lady who sat next me at the table-d'hote was complaining of a man in the hotel. She said he was a nuisance because he practised on the violin. I ex- cused him by saying that I supposed some one had warned him to fly from the wrath to come, meaning that he had con- ceptions of an ideal world and was trying to get into it. (I heard a man say something like this many years ago and it stuck by me.) The Beauties of Nature A man told me that at some Swiss hotel he had been speak- ing enthusiastically about the beauty of the scenery to a Frenchman who said to him: " Aimez-vous done les beaut6s de la nature ? Pour moi je les abhorre." The Late King Vittorio Emanuele Cavaliere Negri, at Casale-Monferrato, told me not long since that when he was a child, during the troubles of 1848 and 1849, tile King was lunching with his (Cav. Negri's ) father who had provided the best possible luncheon in honour of his guest. The King said: " I can eat no such luncheon in times like these—give me some garlic." The garlic being brought, he ate it along with a great hunch of bread, but would touch nothing else.