to Alps and Sanctuaries 277 universal, equally useful. They are the principles of con- servation and accumulation on the one hand, and of adventure, speculation and progress on the other, each equally indis- pensable. The money has been, and will probably always be more persistently in the hands of the first of these two groups. But, after all, is not money an art ? Nay, is it not the most difficult on earth and the parent of all ? And if life is short and art long, is not money still longer ? And are not works of art, for the most part, more or less works of money also ? In •so far as a work of art is a work of money, it must not complain of being bound by the laws of money; in so far as it is a work of art, it has nothing to do with money and, again, cannot complain. It is a great help to the spectator to know the subject of a picture and not to be bothered with having to find out all about the story. Subjects should be such as either tell their own story instantly on the face of them, or things with which all spectators may be supposed familiar. It must not be for- gotten that a work exposed to public view is addressed to a great many people and should accordingly consider many people rather than one. I saw an English family not long since looking at a fine collection of the coins of all nations. They hardly pretended even to take a languid interest in the French, German, Dutch and Italian coins, but brightened up at once on being shown a shilling, a florin and a half-crown. So children do not want new stories; they look for old ones. " Mamma dear, will you please tell us the story of ' The Three Bears ' ? " " No, my love, not to-day, I have told it you very often lately and I am busy." " Very well, Mamma dear, then we will tell you the story of 'The Three Bears/" The Iliad and the Odyssey are only " The Three Bears " upon a larger scale. Just as the life of a man is only the fission of two amoebas on a larger scale. Cm non dictus Hylas