Truth and Convenience 299 ix ^Truth should never be allowed to become extreme ; other- wise it will be apt to meet and to run into the extreme of falsehood. It should be played pretty low down—to the pit and gallery rather than the stalls. Pit-truth is more true to the stalls than stall-truth to the pit. x An absolute lie may live—for it is a true lie, and is saved by being flecked with a grain of its opposite. Not so absolute truth. xi Whenever we push truth hard she runs to earth in contra- diction in terms, that is to say, in falsehood. An essential contradiction in terms meets us at the end of every enquiry. xii In Alps and Sanctuaries (Chapter V) I implied that I was lying when I told the novice that Handel was a Catholic. But I was not lying ; Handel was a Catholic, and so am I, and so is every well-disposed person. It shows how careful wre ought to be when we lie—we can never be sure but what we may be speaking the truth. xiii Perhaps a little bit of absolute truth on any one question might prove a general solvent, and dissipate the universe. xiv Truth generally is kindness, but where the two diverge or collide, kindness should override truth. Falsehood Truth consists not in never lying but in knowing when to lie and when not to do so. De minimis non cur at veritas. Yes, but what is a minimum ? Sometimes a maximum is a minimum and sometimes it is the other way. ii .Lying is like borrowing or appropriating in music. It is