304 Truth and Convenience A Clergyman's Doubts Under this heading a correspondence appeared in the Examiner, 15^/2- February to i^th June, 1879. Butler wrote all the letters under various signatures except one or perhaps two. His first letter purported to come from "An Earnest Clergyman " aged forty-five, with a wife, five children, a country living worth £400 a year, and a house, but no private means. He had ceased to believe in the doctrines he was called upon to teach. Ought he to continue to lead a life that was a lie or ought he to throw up his orders and plunge himself, his wife and children into poverty ? The dilemma interested Butler deeply: he might so easily have found himself in it if he had not begun to doubt the efficacy of infant baptism when he did. Fifteen letters followed, signed 11 Cantab'1 " Oxoniensis" and so forth, some recommending one course, some another. One, signed " X.Y.Z.," included "The Righteous Man " which will be found in the last group of this volume, headed "Poems." From the following letter signed " Ethics " Butler afterwards took two passages (which I have enclosed, one between single asterisks the other between double asterisks), and used them for the " Dissertation on Lying" which is in Chapter V of Alps and Sanctuaries. To the Editor of the Examiner. Sir: I am sorry for your correspondent " An Earnest Clergyman " for, though he may say he has " come to smile at his troubles/' his smile seems to be a grim one. We must all of us eat a peck of moral dirt before we die, but some must know more precisely than others when they are eating it; some, again, can bolt it without wry faces in one shape, while they cannot endure even the smell of it in another. " An Earnest Clergyman " admits that he is in the habit of telling people certain things which he does not believe, but says he has no great fancy for deceiving himself. " Cantab " must, I fear, deceive himself before he can tolerate the notion of de- ceiving other people. For my own part I prefer to be deceived by one who does not deceive himself rather than by one who does, for the first will know better when to stop, and will not commonly deceive me more than he can help. As for the other—if he does not know how to invest his own thoughts safely he will invest mine still worse ; he will hold God's most