314 First Principles absolute, eternal, unchangeable nothing that we mean when we say ex nihilo nihil fit. The alternative is that something should not have come out of nothing, and this is saying that something has always existed. But the eternal increateness of matter seems as troublesome to conceive as its having been created out of nothing. I say " seems/' for I am not sure how far it really is so. We never saw something come out of nothing, that is to say, we never saw a beginning of anything except as the be- ginning of a new phase of something pre-existent. We ought therefore to find the notion of eternal being familiar, it ought to be the only conception of matter which we are able to form : nevertheless, we are so carried away by being accustomed to see phases have their beginnings and endings that we forget that the matter, of which we see the phase begin and end, did not begin or end with the phase. Eternal matter permeated by eternal mind, matter and mind being functions of one another, is the least uncomfortable way of looking at the universe; but as it is beyond our com- prehension, and cannot therefore be comfortable, sensible persons will not look at the universe at all except in such details as may concern them. Contradiction in Terms We pay higher and higher in proportion to the service rendered till we get to the highest services, such as becoming a Member of Parliament, and this must not be paid at all. If a man would go yet higher and found a new and permanent system, or create some new idea or work of art which remains to give delight to ages—he must not only not be paid, but he will have to pay very heavily out of his own pocket into the bargain. Again, we are to get all men to speak well of us if we can ; yet we are to be cursed if all men speak well of us. So when the universe has gathered itself into a single ball (which I don't for a moment believe it ever will, but I don't care) it will no sooner have done so, than the bubble will burst and it will go back to its gases again. Contradiction in terms is so omnipresent that we treat it as we treat death, or free-will, or fate, or air, or God, or the