326 First Principles walking over ploughed fields and sowing the corn broadcast —but it is God who made the man who goes about with the bag, and who makes the corn sprout, for we do not follow the processes that take place here. As long as we knew nothing about what caused this or that weather we used to ascribe it to God's direct action and pray him to change it according to our wants : now that we know more about the weather there is a growing disinclination among clergymen to pray for rain or dry weather, while laymen look to nothing but the barometer. So people do not say God has shown them this or that when they have just seen it in the newspapers; they would only say that God had shown it them if it had come into their heads suddenly and after they had tried long and vainly to get at this par- ticular point. To lament that we cannot be more conscious of God and understand him better is much like lamenting that we are not more conscious of our circulation and digestion. Pro- vided we live according to familiar laws of health, the less we think about circulation and digestion tne better; and so with the ordinary rules of good conduct, the less we think about God the better. To know God better is only to realise more fully how impossible it is that we should ever know him at all. I cannot tell which is the more childish—to deny him, or to attempt to define him. Scylla and Charybdis They are everywhere. Just now coming up Great Russell Street I loitered outside a print shop. There they were as usual—Hogarth's Idle and Virtuous Apprentices. The idle apprentice is certainly Scylla, but is not the virtuous ap- prentice just as much Charybdis? Is he so greatly prefer- able ? Is not the right thing somewhere between the two ? And does not the art of good living consist mainly in a1 fine perception of when to edge towards the idle and when to- wards the virtuous apprentice ? When John Bunyan (or Richard Baxter, or whoever it was) said " There went John Bunyan, but for the grace of God " (or whatever he did say), had he a right to be so cock-