340 Rebelliousness Science and Theology We should endow neither; we should treat them as we treat conservatism and liberalism, encouraging both, so that they may keep watch upon one another, and letting them go in and out of power with the popular vote concerning them. The world is better carried on upon the barrister principle of special pleading upon two sides before an impartial ignorant tribunal, to whom things have got to be explained, than it would be if nobody were to maintain any opinion in which he did not personally believe. What we want is to reconcile both science and theology with sincerity and good breeding, to make our experts under- * stand that they are nothing if they are not single-minded and urbane. Get them to understand this, and there will be no difficulty about reconciling science and theology. The Church and the Supernatural If we saw the Church wishing to back out of the super- natural and anxious to explain it away where possible, we would keep our disbelief in the supernatural in the back- ground, as far as we could, and would explain away our re- jection of the miracles, as far as was decent; furthermore we would approximate our language to theirs wherever possible, ' and insist on the points on which we are all agreed, rather than on points of difference; in fact, -we would meet them half way and be only too glad to do it. I maintain that in rny books I actually do this as much as is possible, but I shall try and do it still more. As a matter of fact, however, the Church clings to the miraculous element of Christianity more fondly than ever; she parades it more and more, and shows no sign of wishing to give up even the smallest part of it. It is this which makes us despair of being able to do any- thing with her and feel that either she or we must go. Gratitude and Revenge Gratitude is as much an evil to be minimised as revenge is. Justice, our law and our law courts are for the taming