Rebelliousness 343 « it might look singular and kept ours on. My friend Mr. Phillips, the tailor, was in one carriage, I did not see him, but he saw me and afterwards told me he had pointed me out to a clergyman who was in the carriage with him. " Oh," said the clergyman, " then that's the man who says England owes all her greatness to intoxication." This is rather a free translation of what I did say; but it only shows how impossible it is to please those who do not wish to be pleased. Tennyson may talk about the slow sad hours that bring us all things ill and all good things from evil, because this is vague and indefinite; but I may not say that, in spite of the terrible consequences of drunkenness, man's intellectual development would not have reached its present stage without the stimulus of alcohol—which I believe to be both perfectly true and pretty generally admitted— because this is definite. I do not think I said more than this and am sure that no one can detest drunkenness more than I do.* It seems to me it will be wiser in me not to try to make headway at Shrewsbury. Hell-Fire If Vesuvius does not frighten those who live under it, is it likely that Hell-fire should frighten any reasonable person ? I met a traveller who had returned from Hades where he had conversed with Tantalus and with others of the shades. They all agreed that for the first six, or perhaps twelve, months they disliked their punishment very much; but after that, it was like shelling peas on a hot afternoon in July. They began by discovering (no doubt long after the fact had been apparent enough to every one else) that they had not been noticing what they were doing so much as usual, and that they had been even thinking of something else. From this moment, the automatic stage of action having set in, the progress towards always thinking of some- thing else was rapid and they soon forgot that they were undergoing any punishment. * " No one can hate drunkenness more than I do, but I am con- fident the human intellect owes its superiority over that of the lower animals in great measure to the stimulus which alcohol has given to imagination—imagination being little else than another name for illusion " (Alps and Sanctuaries, Chapter III).