Poems 381 that, if any one tlse were to ask the question, he should reply that the challenge came from me. x. In Memoriam H. R. F. This appears in print now for the first time. Hans Rudolf Faesch, a young Swiss from Basel, came to London in the autumn of 1893. He spent much of his time with us until i^th February, 1895, when he left for Singapore. We saw him off from Holborn Viaduct Station ; he was not well and it was a stormy night. The next day Butler wrote this poem and, being persuaded that we should never see Hans Faesch again, called it an In Memoriam. Hans did not die on the journey, he arrived safely in Singapore and settled in the East where he carried on business. We exchanged letters with him frequently; he paid two visits to Europe and we saw him on both occasions. But he did not live long. He died in the autumn of 1903 at Vien Tiane in the Shan States, aged 32, having survived Butler by about a year and a half. xi. An Academic Exercise This has never been printed before. It is a Farewell, and that is why I have placed it next after the In Memoriam. The contrast between the two poems illustrates the contrast pointed out at the close of the note on " The Dislike of Death " (ante, P- 359) •' " The memory of a love that has been cut short by death re- mains still fragrant though enfeebled, but no recollection of its past can keep sweet a love that has dried up and withered through accidents of time and life." In the ordinary coiwse Butler would have talked this Sonnet over with me at the time he wrote it, that is in January, 1902; he may even have done so, but I think not. From 2nd January, 1902, until late in March, when he left London alone for Sicily, I was ill with pneumonia and remember very little of what hap- pened then. Between his return in May and his death in June I am sure he did not mention the subject, Knowing the facts that underlie the preceding poem I can tell why Butler called it an In Memoriam ; not knowing the facts that underlie this poem I cannot tell why Butler should have called it an Academic Exercise. It is his last Sonnet and is dated " Sund. Jan. izth