382 Poems 1902," within six months of his death, at a ii%ie when he was depressed physically because his health was failing and mentally because he had been " editing his remains," reading and destroy- ing old letters and brooding over the past. One o/ the subjects given in the section " Titles and Siibjects " (ante) is " The dis- eases and ordinary causes of mortality among friendships." I suppose that he found among his letters something which awakened memories of a friendship of his earlier life—a friendship that had suffered from a disease, whether it recovered or died would not affect the sincerity of the emotions experienced by Butler at the time he believed the friendship to be virtually dead. I sup- pose the Sonnet to be an In Memoriam upon the apprehended death of a friendship as the preceding poem is an In Memoriam upon the apprehended death of a friend. This may be wrong, but something of the kind seems necessary to explain why Butler should have called the Sonnet an Academic Exercise. No one who has read Shakespeare's Sonnets Re- considered will require to be told that he disagreed contemptuously with those critics who believe that Shakespeare composed his Sonnets as academic exercises. It is certain that he wrote this, as he wrote his other Sonnets, in imitation of Shakespeare, not merely imitating the form but approaching the subject in the spirit in which he believed Shakespeare to have approached his subject. It follows therefore that he did not write this sonnet as an academic exercise, had he done so he would not have been imitating Shakespeare. If we assume that he was presenting his story as he presented the dialogue in " A Psalm of Montreal" in a form " perhaps true, perhaps imaginary, perhaps a little of the one and a little of the other" it would be quite in the manner of the author of The Fair Haven to burlesque the methods of the critics by ignoring the sincerity of the emotions and fixing on the little bit of inaccuracy in the facts. We may suppose him to be saying out loud to the critics: " You think Shakespeare's Sonnets were composed as academic exercises, do you-? Very well then, now what do you make of this ? " And adding aside to himself: " That will be good enough for them ; they'll swallow anything." xii. A Prayer Extract from Butler's Note-Books under the date of February or March 1883 :