Poems 383 * " ' Cleanse Łou me from my secret sins.' I heard a man moralising on this and shocked him by saying demurely that I did not mind these so much, if I could get rid of those that were obvious to other people." He w/ote the sonnet in igoo or 1901. In the first quatrain " spoken " does not rhyme with " open " ; Butler knew this and would not alter it because there are similar assonances in Shake- speare, e.g. " open " and " broken " in Sonnet LXL xiii. Karma I am responsible for grouping these three sonnets under this heading. The second one beginning (< What is't to live" appears in Butler's Note-Book with the remark, " This wants much tinkering, but I cannot tinker it"—meaning that he was too much occupied with oilier things. He left the second line of the third of these sonnets thus: 11 Them palpable to touch and view." I have "tinkered" it by adding the two syllables "clear to9' to make the line complete. In writing this sonnet Butler was no doubt thinking of a note lie made in 1891: II It is often said that there is no bore like a clever bore. Clever people are always bores and always must be. That is, perhaps, why Shakespeare had to leave London—people could not stand him any longer " xiv. The Life after Death Butler began to write sonnets in 1898 when he was studying those of Shakespeare on which he published a book in the follow- ing year. (Shakespeare's Sonnets Reconsidered, &c.) He had gone to Flushing by himself and on his return wrote to me : 24 Aug. 1898. "Also at Flushing I wrote one myself, a poor innocent thing, but I was surprised to find how easily it came ; if you like it / may write a few more." The " poor innocent thing " was the sonnet beginning " Not on sad Stygian shore," the -first of those I have grouped under the heading " The Life after Death." It appears in his note- books with this introductory sentence: " Having now learned Shakespeare's Sonnets by heart—and