Index Horace, 48, 201 207 — at the Post office in Rome, 262 Horse, 390 Hot and Cold Springs, 283-7 Housemaid, Moli&re's, 109 Hudibras, 157, 159 Human wishes, The vanity of, 219 Humanitarian nonsense, 119 Humanity, Types of rich and poor, 51, 52 Humming-bird, 391 Humour, n, 165, 291, 309 — My, 166 " Humour of Homer," The, 5, 255 Humour, Unconscious, and Dickens, 32 —- Unconscious, Myself and, 166 Hundred, a, years hence, Writing for, 109 Hungarian music, 127, 128 Hutton, Richard Holt, 380 Huxley, 232, 339 Hyam, Mr., 241 Hybrids, their sterility, 66 Hyde Park, 243 Hydra, 101 Hydrogen, 77 Hymn, The Evening, immoral, 214 Hymns, 251 Hypocrisy, Cant and, 341 Ice, 179, 329 Ichthyosauri, 48 Ida, Mount, 283 Ideas, Cat and Mouse-, 216 — Incoherency of New, 216 — New, 106, 216 — Our, 216 — our, Baselessness of, 309, 310 — shadows, 95 — Words and, 65 415 Identity, 54, 60, 210 — Continued, 353-5 n — Personal, 375 Idle Apprentice and Virtuous, 326 Idle classes, 335 Idyll, An, 233 Ightham Mote, 250 Ignorance, 339 — of Death, 356 — the basis of Knowledge, 57 Ignotius complex, 327 Ignotum simplex, 327 Iliad, The, 5, 6, 173-5, 185, 186, 196, 254, 255, 277, 376, 377. 38o Iliad in English Prose, The, 6, 368 Ilium and Padua, 195 Ill-used, 371 Illusion, 229, 323, 357 Image, God in man's own, 309 Imaginary Countries, 105 — Worlds, 232 Imagination, 310, 312 Imaum, 285 Immorality, 230 — Change and, 29 Immortal to oneself, 357 Immortality, 14, 362. — A good average three-score years and ten of, 14 Immune to poverty, 225 Immutable law, 322 Imperfect Lady, The, 273 Imperfection, Counsels of, 24 Importances, Relative, 97, 100 Impression, A residuary, 273 Impressionism, 153 Improvement in Art, 139, 140 Improvidence, 322 Improvidence, Providence and, 223 " In sweetest harmony," 65 Inaccuracy, 300, 349