436 Index Venus and Adonis, 192 " Venus laughing from the &des," 117, 118 Venus, Transits of, 232 " Verdi prati," 267 Veritas, De minimis non curat, 299 Verrocchio, 146 Verse, 192, 193 — into prose, Translations from, 197 — poetry and prose, 193 Vesuvius, 343 Viale at Pienza, The, 282 Vibrations, 58, 66 et seq. Vice, 352 — and Virtue, 27, 28 Vices of meanness, 34 Victims, man remains on friendly terms with his, 82 Vien Tiane, 381 View, Two points of, 297 Views on Painting, A Painter's, 135 et seq. Vinci, Leonardo da, 257, 376, 378 Violin, 325 -----maker, Furber the, 241, 242 -----practising, 270 Virgil, 150, 183, 361 Virtue, 25, 352 — The meannesses of, 34 — The wages of, 289 — Vice and, 27, 28 Virtuous and Idle Appren- tices, 326 — Life, My, 28, 29 Viscidity of protoplasm, 69, 70 Viscosity, 58 Vittorio Emanuele II, 270 Vivisection, 390 " Voi che sapete," 252 Voice of Common Sense, 348 ------the Lord, 348 Volcano, The arctic, 179 Volition, 73 < Volterra, 276-9 ( Vows of modest competency, 290 " Vuaitee," 350 Vult, Populus, 184 Wages, The, of birth, 289 ----------virtue, 289 " Wait till the clouds roll by "* 260 " Waitee," Jutland and, 350 Waiting to be hired, 194 Walks in the Regions of Science and Faith, 31 Walks, Sunday, 341 Wallace, Mr. A. R., 375 Wandering, 225 Wanted, a Society, 180 Wants and Creeds, 336 War against machines, 46 Wardour Street, 229 Waste, 114 ----paper baskets, Mental, 216 Washing-up, 99 Wasps, 81 Watch, an intelligent creature, 44 ----chain, 286 — mending with pickaxe, 94 Water, Channel for, 348 ----colour drawings, 8 ----dipper, 20 Watson, Hon. Mrs., 32 Watts, 152 Way of all Flesh, The, 6, 7, 115, i53» 3^4, 369. 377 " Weakness is utter/' 316, 390 Weather, The, 294 Weismann and the germ being the proper starting-point, 16 " Welcome, welcome, mighty King/' 120 Wellington (Duke), 199 N.Z., Bishop of, 40