-170] THE DEBATE IN ITHACA 41 Furies that my mother's curses would call up as she was driven from home. And finally my fellow-men would cry shame upon me. You may take it, then, that I shall never give the word. No; if a feeling of shame has any place in your own hearts, then quit my palace and feast yourselves elsewhere, eating your own pro- visions in each other's houses. But if you think it a sounder scheme to destroy one man's estate and go scot-free yourselves, then eat your fill, while I pray to the immortal gods for a day of reckoning, when I can go scot-free, though I destroy you in that house of mine.' As though in answer to his words, Zeus, who was watching from afar, urged two eagles into flight from the mountain-top. For a while they sailed down the wind with outstretched pinions, wing to wing. But as soon as they were directly over the meeting-place, where the sound of voices filled the air, they began to flap their wings and wheel about, glancing down at the faces of the crowd with looks foreboding death. They then fell to work with their talons, ripping each other's cheeks and neck on either side, and so swooped eastward over the house-tops of the busy town. The people stared at the birds in amazement as this scene was enacted before their eyes, and asked them- selves what was to come of such a portent. At last the old lord Haliserthes, Master's son, spoke out. He knew more of bird-lore and soothsaying than any man of his generation, and had his countrymen's welfare at heart when he rose now to harangue them: 'People oflthaca, hear what I have to say. And it is to the Suitors in particular that I address my reading of these signs. For them, a great calamity is rolling up. Odysseus is not going to be parted from his friends much longer. At this very moment indeed he may be close at hand, sowing the seeds of a bloody doom for the Suitors one and all; which means disaster to many of the rest of us who live under the clear skies oflthaca. Cannot we stop them before it happens? Or rather, won't they stop of their own accord - which I assure them they would find the better course ? And I am not unskilled in prophecy: I speak from