X THE RISE OF ITALIAN FASCISM (though this is not a deliberate thesis), that the cry of danger from bolshevism was a deliberately adopted lie, adopted for its value as a psychological lever. He shows that far from being dangerous, moderate socialism as well as extreme socialism was, in its leaders, its hopes and tactics, innocently humane. The leaders were too noble to envisage the coming ignobility, too humane to imagine the advent of crushing inhumanities. Those who excelled in cruelty won. Since then, their victories at home and abroad have accumulated and they have gone from strength to strength. The mendacity of danger from bolshevism, concocted for use at home, and successful there, has been every bit as serviceable in international relations. As we read this record we become acutely aware of the I character of Mussolini in action and the strategy and tactics \ of fascist aggression, at first domestic. Political demands | are made, so abnormal and far-reaching., that opponents ; are staggered into a state of shock, hypnosis, and self-doubt, ; causing retreat and disastrous fumbling. Secondly, the \ intellect and character, private and public, of opponents are vilified in terms so unscrupulous and disgusting that the .non-political masses come to believe that there must be ,some truth in what they are told. The paradox is that the very monstrosity of the allegations sways to belief therein, as average men cannot believe that people can be so wicked as to make such terrible charges without a basis of truth. Particularly did and do the fascists stigmatize the most capable leaders on the other side. Thirdly, occurs the Imscrupulous fomenting of agitation and violent assaults !pn fellow citizens who, according to plan, are enraged, whereupon, facing provoked retribution, the fascists claim the right of armed self-defence—and another cycle of /violence begins. Fourthly, they make a fake noble appeal !for justice for their own cause to move their opponents to make concessions to them, but do not yield a reciprocal concession to their opponents. This is sometimes dignified by the title ofc relativity ' of principle. Fifthly, the fascists, especially influenced in this case by the personal character of Mussolini, practise, as they regularly promise, revenge. No phrase is more common in the speeches of the leaders