VII THE c POSTHUMOUS AND PREVENTIVE' COUNTER-REVOLUTION THE end of the factory occupations left both the workers and the employers with the feeling that they had been beaten. In addition to the collective agreement the workers had gained c syndical control of industry'. But what was this vague committee set up by the September 15 decree in comparison with the mirage they had seen during the weeks spent in the occupied factories ? The employers had been forced to give in without a soldier or a gendarme stirring to dislodge the workers from the factories ; they had been made to sign blindly an agreement which they had recently refused to discuss, and submit by Giolitti's orders to the control of industry. Both sides were disgruntled and saw no hope in the future, but the industrialists and landowners were livid with rage and ready for anything, willing to sell their souls for revenge, The bloodshed and the fires which were to destroy the offices of hundreds of working-class and socialist organizations and the homes of e red * and even * white * workers seemed to them the ritual of an atonement ceremony, necessary to purify the violated temple of property. Giolitti ignored the abuse that was heaped on him and set about making the best use of a situation which, so he thought, favoured his designs. A bourgeois bloc was formed, based on patriotic sentiment, and on November 4, 1920, for the first time since the armistice, victory celebrations, unbroken by any disturbance, took place in Rome and all the big cities. At the administrative elections, which took place soon after, the bourgeois parties fought nearly every- where on a• * national bloc * platform. The Popolan9. on the other hand, decided to form a separate list, but the Vatican '