COUNTER-REVOLUTION 93 and often lost deeply wounded the peasants' love of the land and shocked even the hired labourers. Such methods were resented by the public, who saw no reason in them, and were only carried out by the strikers under compulsion and with qualms of conscience. Gaps immediately began to show in the ranks of the forces directed by the Federation, and it was through these that the fascist offensive was able to penetrate. Its monopoly made the red organization all- powerful, but as soon as a group of labourers in any one place succumbed to the temptation of being able to work all the year round or of owning a patch of land, the land- owners had won the day, since the system broke down and there was nothing to stop the rout once it had begun. How were the workers' leagues to prevent it ? How were they to re-establish their unity ? The old tactics were no longer effective against the attack of the landowners, having nothing better to offer than one, two, three months spent every year in a strike to ensure that everybody got his allotted number of working days. The system could only be saved by extending the old scramble for a share of the inadequate revenue to an actual conquest of the ' land for the peasants '. Some of the Federation leaders realized this, and at the General Confederation of Labour congress in February 1921 a proposal for making a start with the 6 socialization of the land s, drafted by the socialist deputy Piemonte, was adopted. In each province an c agricultural community' was to be set up, and all the land, except that of the small proprietors, was gradually to pass into its hands. The bodies administering this community were drawn exclusively from the direct representatives of the agricultural labourers and their associations. Their powers were very wide ; they could order, through one of their officials, the expropriation of a property and its transfer to the agricultural co-opera- tives. The proprietors were to receive as indemnity securities bearing an interest of 3 per cent, redeemable after a maximum of fifty years. The state was to provide the necessary hundreds of millions a year, for the purchase and cultivation of the land. Everything was provided for, as in Gennari's and Bombacci's plans for Soviets.