COUNTER-REVOLUTION 125 Modena and Ferrara ; Brescia and Verona ; Verona and Mantua ; Florence, Pisa and Siena ; Casale, Alessandria and Mortara. If Grosseto, where the fascio was powerless, was the objective, four experienced fascists were first sent from Florence to encourage and train the local fascists. The expedition was then prepared and the secretary of the Siena Jascio'1 c ordered two cars to take the mobilization order to the fasci along the Siena-Chiusi line for a joint attack on Grosseto/ But the workers of this town laid in wait for the fascists in the country outside. When these arrived their first car was stopped, and after a fight they were forced to retreat, leaving one dead behind them. Meanwhile other squads were arriving and surrounding the town, which was still unapproachable. Reinforcements collected from all directions, even from Florence and Perugia, at least a hundred kilometres away, and the entrance to the town was forced during the night. So Grosseto, where there were hardly any fascists, was occupied and passed under their control. When the Milan fascists wanted to make an expedition to Greco Milanese, a com- munist centre in the suburbs of the town, they called in the fasci of Emilia and Tuscany, who sent several squads. This co-operation increased, snowball fashion, and by extending the field of action helped to reach distant objectives and cover whole regions. How did the fascist occupation absorb the whole of Umbria between March and April 1921 ? The flood spread from Florence, Arezzo, Siena, over Perugia ; swollen with Perugian reinforcements it flowed on to Foligno, Todi, Umberti ; from these to Assisi and Spoleto, until it swept over Terni, the last socialist strong- hold, all in a few weeks. The fasci had immense capacity for concentrating and spreading their influence. When a new fascio was formed, especially in districts as yet un- conquered, representatives from many other fasci9 sometimes from far off, would come and assist at the ceremony, and this in itself sometimes gave rise to incidents and expeditions. For instance, at Casale Monteferrato there were delegates from. Turin, Biella, Vercelli, Milan and Genoa. As another example of the wide range of the operations, the Pisa fascio 1 Ghiurco himself, author of fa&Ifistoiy of the Fascist Revolution. .