l86 THE RISE OF ITALIAN FASCISM percolating into the working classes, having at their disposal radical recruiting methods : violence and terror. Important fascist syndical organizations only grew up in districts already conquered by armed squads and as a result of such conquest. Fascist syndicalism c flourishes like a weed amid the charred ruins of houses '. Concentration of squads in a district was invariably followed by the destruction of the Chamber of Labour and other syndical offices, by the assassination or expulsion of local syndical leaders. This razzia was the necessary preliminary to the setting up of a fascist c corporation 3 in which all members of the organiza- tion just destroyed were forced to enrol. Having destroyed the former organization, the fascists were left with the workers on their hands, and to avoid letting slip all they had gained they were forced, as the heirs of the red organizers, to tackle the problems they had solved. e Rather delicate, this organization,' wrote Italo Balbo in his Diary ; e Labour is over plentiful, and only syndical discipline can ensure work and bread for all.3 This c discipline ' bore a close resemblance to the £ monopoly ' against which the fascists had been clamouring a few months before. Often, having no one at their disposal capable of running the syndical c league', the fascists would force the previous secretary to carry on, giving him an occasional thrashing, to keep him in his place and inspire him with a wholesome fear of his new masters. Mussolini had always been suspicious of fascist syndicalism, as of all definitions and interpretations that might endanger his freedom of action ; besides, he had watched the opposi- tion flaunt the flag of' national syndicalism '. Nevertheless he permitted this independent syndicalism of the fascists, so long as it did not affect the balance of forces inside the fascist movement to his own disadvantage. He fully realized that this syndical activity widened the gulf between himself and the socialists and would give him a chance to hasten the internal crisis of the socialist movement and capture the leaders of the General Confederation of Labour. ' We never thought/ said Mussolini in later days, ' when a few dozen of us met in the Piazza San Sepolcro on March 23, 1919, that we should form syndical organizations. . . . Fascism