THE GAPORETTO OF SOCIALISM Qig information the attempt at a national general strike Is abandoned for the time being. Nevertheless, to save our- selves from being taken by surprise if another attempt is made with the help of the c' red " railway men, the fascists should at once make sure of having the necessary means for rapid transport: cars, lorries, motor-bicycles. . . .' On July 31 the same secretariat, being well informed, sent out another circular letter, which read as follows : NATIONAL FASCIST PARTY—ROME Press Office. Private circular letter ROME, (to be read and destroyed}. July$i> 1922. To THE PROVINCIAL FASCIST FEDERATIONS (Please pass on immediately to subsidiary fasci.) It appears that the Labour Alliance means to proclaim to-day, as from midnight, a national general strike, including the state services. If this critical news is confirmed by the facts a manifesto by the Executive of the Fascist Party on this subject will be published in to-morrow's newspapers. The Federations and tht fasci must fall in with the instructions given in the manifesto. Their more detailed orders are : (1) To carry out the immediate mobilization of all the fascist forces. (2) If within forty-eight hours of the proclamation of the strike the government have not succeeded in ending it, the fascists will make it their own duty to do so. (3) If the strike continues after the forty-eight hours, the fascists will proceed to the provincial capitals and occupy them. (4) The fascists of the Carrara and Lomellina zones and those of the province of Alessandria must keep some of their forces at the disposal of the fascists of Genoa. Those of the provinces of Bologna and Ferrara must keep some of their forces at the disposal of liht fasci of Romagna and of the Ancona zone. (5) To keep watch over the main road junctions. (6) The fascists must only obey orders issuing from