250 THE RISE OF ITALIAN FASCISM Such vague and incoherent language enabled Mussolini to offer everybody the fulfilment of his dearest hopes. The capitalist saw all the public services restored to private enterprise, the shopkeeper saw himself released from taxa- tion and all state supervision and trivial regulations ; and the petty bourgeois idealist was delighted to turn over the c material realm ' to them, imagining himself something— minister or hall-porter—in the * spiritual realm '. Mean- while the party did not stop at these grand principles, but prepared a long report, drafted by Signori Corgini and Massimo Rocca, for a series of meetings on the financial restoration which continued to be held in the principal towns of Italy from early September up to the eve of the march on Rome. In this report and at the meetings were demanded : the reform of the civil service ; the transfer of state industries to private firms ; the abolition of useless state bodies ; the abolition of subsidies and privileges granted to officials, co-operatives, and municipal shops in receipt of e preferential treatment to that shown to private traders3 ; simplification of the tax system ; reduction of duties on inheritance, on business transactions, and in some cases on luxuries, for such duties led to the c destruction of the family and of private property' ; the balancing of the budget^ not by raising taxes, but by extending the number of taxpayers and increasing taxes on consumption goods rather than by directly taxing riches. In the course of 1922 Italy's financial and economic situation was showing signs of improvement, as a result of measures adopted by the various governments, especially after 1921. The adverse trade balance was diminishing, savings bank deposits were increasing, the note circulation was gradually getting back to normal. Here are the relevant figures up to December 31 of each year : Deposits at Adverse general and post office Note trade balance savings banks circulation (in thousands of lire) 1919 12,694 10,643 18,551 1920 10,557 13,213 22,000 1921 15,048 15,576 21,475 1922 8,647 i7>25° 20,279