EPILOGUE 335 £ fascism of the first hour ' with that which stood for the defence of' private interests and of the darkest, most sordid and most despicable classes now existing in Italy '. Having announced in Florence : c Our programme is based on facts', he now clamoured for a ' return to principles'. A few months later still, when the situation had developed further, he trampled on the vague tendencies of Grandi and his friends towards ' democracy 3 and c syndicalism ', and from their opposition movement he took nothing but the bare principle of armed organization, stripped of any political significance ; a simple weapon for the capture of power. Besides, although he disguised his plans in 1921 under a pretended c return to principles5 Mussolini declared one year later that c to go back to the beginning, as some would have, that is to get back to the 1919 programme, is to give proof of childishness and senility '. His versatility and complete lack of scruple proved an invaluable asset to fascism. It was he who prevented the attack on the Bonomi cabinet in autumn 1921 ; he who persuaded the group to support the Celli resolution in February 1922 (p. 174) and in July succeeded in preventing the formation of an anti-fascist group which might have become a government. If this had taken place fascism would have lost the support, or at least the connivance, of the state, and risked defeat. Finally, if Mussolini had not acted as he did, the march on Rome would have taken place in earnest and fascism would have met its doom. Mussolini is not a genius ; he merely has, as Mr. Bolton King so justly remarks, c the minor arts of a statesman J. But these he possesses to a very high degree. Much of his strength has come from the weakness of his enemies. In 1919 he was simultaneously outbidding the demagogues and working for the cause of reaction. This could never have happened if socialism had not allowed it. Faced with a constructive, which does not mean a watered-down Socialist Party, based on the traditions, institutions and powerful resources of the Italian working-class movement and free from delusions about Soviets, Mussolini's tricks and man- oeuvres would have fallen flat. From the second half of 1921 up to the march on Rome Mussolini managed to exploit